Sweetzelle & Julian | Sunset Engagement in Point Reyes, California


I’ve known Sweetzelle and Julian for pretty much my whole life. Sweet is my cousin and someone I grew up with when I used to live in Reno. It wasn’t until she was later in her 20s when I met Julian. After seeing their relationship grow over the years, I knew they were a perfect fit. Everything from their love of dance and fashion to their work ethic, to purchasing a home. Shoot, they even work together! They’re one of those rare couples whose chemistry flows through not only each other but through all aspects of their life. A true partnership. And it’s an awesome thing to see, especially since Sweet is my cousin. I love seeing family and friends grow.

When we were exploring places to shoot, they were attracted to the coastal sunsets. Since they were coming from Reno, I wanted to take them somewhere up in NorCal. I’m a sucker for the Northern California Coast. I know when people think about California beaches they think of SoCal, Santa Monica, Venice, all that jazz. And while those places are awesome, the weather is warm and vibrant, there’s something about the windy, cold beaches that hit differently. The air is crisp, and the sunsets feel a bit more soft. I can’t really describe it. We showed Sweet and Julian what they thought and with their approval, we made our way to Point Reyes for their engagement.

The best thing about Point Reyes is that within 20-30 minutes, you’re in a totally different location with a totally different feel. You have everything from the Cypress Tree Tunnel to the Point Reyes lighthouse, to the beach, to a beach overlook, then a large rock that feels like you’re in Hawaii when you hike it. We were literally able to hit 4 locations within a few hours. It was super windy, but it made for some epic, candid shots. There was even a moment where Sweet and Julian were dancing to the sounds of SZA and fell on a grassy hill, which was by the way, one of my favorite moments of the shoot. You’ll see it down there… :-) 

Sweet and Julian, congrats again on making one of the biggest life decisions a couple can make. Sweet, I’m super proud for all that you’ve done, and I can’t wait to be there in October for your guys’ wedding!

focused journey